1 - School Excursion COVID-19 Guidelines
School Excursion COVID-19 Guidelines
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) COVID-19 case numbers have stabilised as a result of high vaccination numbers and community compliance with public health measures.
Adherence to health strategies has allowed Australian jurisdictions to ease into a step-down approach, lifting mandatory mask wearing and isolation requirements for people testing positive for COVID-19.
The move from a public health emergency setting has allowed school excursion restrictions to ease.
It is recommended that certain public health measures remain in effect to ensure the continued protection of the community.
These include:
- staying at home or in excursion accommodation if unwell
- continuing to practice good hand and respiratory hygiene practices
- maintaining physical distancing where possible.
Wellbeing on school excursions
The wellbeing of students, teachers and school staff remains a priority.
Pre-excursion risk assessment
Each Teacher leading an excursion is asked to complete a declaration stating they will ensure no participants are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 when an excursion commences.
Stay at home or in accommodation if you are sick or feel unwell
Excursion participants are not required to isolate if experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, but if they become unwell during an excursion it is recommended they remain in excursion accommodation and minimise contact with others until symptoms are gone or they are feeling better.
ACT Health recommends excursion participants displaying symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are tested using a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT).
Rapid Antigen Tests
Schools should travel with an adequate supply of RATs, available for use when required.
Minimising mixing
Where school cohorts are mixed attractions should consider additional mitigations such as minimising:
- the length of time student groups participates in organised indoors activities together
- the number of student groups participating in organised indoors activities together.
Attractions will determine the number of students allowed in venues.
Masks are not required to be worn unless an attraction stipulates this as a condition of entry.
People with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should be encouraged to wear masks.
Excursion leaders should ensure they have a supply of masks available.
Good hygiene practices
All excursion participants should at all times maintain appropriate hand and respiratory hygiene measures, such as:
- hand hygiene, cough etiquette, and respiratory hygiene
- frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection of high-touch points to limit fomite transmission.
Eligible excursion participants are strongly encouraged to be up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations.
COVID-Safe cleaning practices should be in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee Information about cleaning and disinfection – including routine and regular cleaning of frequently touched objects.
Diagnosed COVID-19 Positive Plan
People diagnosed with COVID-19 should:
- stay away from others until their symptoms are resolved or they are feeling better
- wear a mask when indoors if around other people, and in public places
- minimise movements in the community where possible
- seek medical help immediately if symptoms worsen
- notify the National Capital Educational Tourism Project so all attractions visited by a school can be alerted.
ACT Government COVID-19 management