Booking Statuses

Book Canberra Excursions uses Booking Statuses to indicate which stage in the Booking process a Booking is at.

The statuses used are:


A Booking you've added to a Trip but haven't submitted to an Attraction. These Bookings do not secure requested times. Until you have completed Step 4 of Plan a Trip and submitted these Bookings they are not removed from the inventory of timeslots available to other Users. Once submitted to an Attraction a Booking is removed from the inventory of available timeslots and becomes Pending. Draft Bookings expire after 30 days.


A Booking you've submitted to an Attraction that the Attraction hasn't reviewed. Once an Attraction reviews a Booking it will be Accepted or Declined.

Waitlisted (Draft)

This is a Waitlist Booking you've added to a Trip but haven't submitted to an Attraction. These Bookings expire after 30 days. Once submitted to an Attraction the Booking will become Waitlisted.


This is a Waitlist Booking you've submitted to an Attraction. If the Attraction is able to fulfil your request the Booking will become Proposed.


This is a Waitlist Booking an Attraction has proposed a time for. If you accept the proposal the Booking becomes Approved. If you decline the proposal you can either rejoin the Waitlist or remove the Booking from the Waitlist.


This is a Booking you've submitted to an Attraction that the Attraction has Approved.


This is a Booking that has had related information Confirmed. You will receive an email 3 months out from your Trip asking you to Confirm numbers and contact details. It is best to do this as soon as possible as a late change in numbers may incur an additional charge.


This is a Booking you've Completed, by visiting an Attraction with a group. The Attraction should Complete your Booking for you after your visit.


This is a Booking you have Cancelled. You can do this at any time, from any status, up to 2 weeks before the date a Booking is for.


This is a Booking you've submitted to an Attraction that the Attraction has Declined. To ask for further information about the decision to decline a Booking, or to discuss alternatives, contact the Attraction directly.